Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ever wanted to be ripped off? Didn't think so...

So, this company, kitnmedia.com seem to be under the impression your an idiot.

I truly detest internet scammers and fake marketers, even more when it's something entirely intangible.

This company feeds off social networking sites, and pyramid scams. It's that standard offer you see floating across the internet "sign up for this offer! Get an iPod!", and the like.

I'll be breaking down that offer, and the full fingers of this horrible little as this blog progresses.


Simple: Nobody likes being ripped off, yes; this company has ripped me of. And I'll state that they ripped me off in a very minimal sense. But, the size of the rip off isn't important; it's that this company feels they can get away with it. This blog is for all those people that it has worked on. Those people that are sick of companies like this, wasting our time, and spamming our email boxes.


Unknown said...

I've had enough of signing up for some application, survey website, etc, in return for rewards only to be told that I haven't got my rewards 'cos they've no record of me signing up. I do as asked and paste a copy of my confirmation e-mails into the "complaints" box as proof, and then get ignored. I have told them in my last message that I was going to start e-mailing all the companies I have signed up with and ask to be removed from their databases due to my being cheated into signing up, and am also going to contact any other companies they "work" with and advise them of how poorly the customers are being treated. Like you said in your blog, it's not the AMOUNT you're being ripped off for, it's the principle of the thing, and their blatant "F*** YOU" attitude. I'm going to post where I can and tell people to boycott these uncontactable assholes. And post any contact details I can gather for them, as they are obviously going to great lengths to make sure people cannot contact them other than through their crappy "complaints" channel.

Keep diggin' dirt on these utterly contemptible pricks....

Unknown said...

Ok I have had it with the "Super Rewards" bull that pisses me off to no end.
I signed up for and got a few of the re4wards from the first day I tried. Then it all stopped. I understand what you meant when you get the same email asking to verify that you did what was asked. ( And there was never any mention of having to verify your participation ) But even then, that being said. After copying and pasting the requested info. Still no Points.
I sis sign up for one offer with Jack in the Box. Got no rewards points . so I emailed jack in the box. I am about to respond to them. But was wondering if you had anyother options.
I am all for starting a movement to get the word out there to stop this companies Illegal false advertising practices.
You can't list something as free and then not follow up on the offer.
please contact me at my regular email account jayburgener@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

Did you ever get your issue resolved?
I think I'm getting the same rigmarole: Copy & Paste my proof, only to be told that the info was not sufficient what appear to be automated response saying the exact thing in response to my 'personalized' concerns...

How do they expect you to copy and paste a 'screenshot' in to a response box.......YOU CANT

Ged Quayle said...

Hah you think you've got it bad you should try carrying their adverts. I made the mistake of thinking they were reputable because they were carried by a site I respected. Wrong! They take 30% "commission" from any payments made through their form (when reputable merchant services take less than 5%) and they absolutely, resolutely do not answer tech support.

I pulled the ads after only 70 USD had been paid through it, I'm resigned to them thieving that money because that is clearly what they do - they run bogus ads and make their real money skimming a monstrous "commission" (theft in any reasonable terms) off any money your users pay you. Abject pack of thieves.
